I'm making some headway with my move and setting up the studio, but as always it gets much worse before it gets better.

I have the layout pretty much figured out. There is even room for a design wall!
It was looking pretty good until I started unpacking boxes....where to go with it all?? Where did this stuff all come from? I certainly couldn't have bought it all.
Now that's a little better, but that's not even half my books.....and I haven't even gotten to the knitting books yet. Yikes!
If you notice, my fabric and clothing have to share a closet......who needs clothing right??
So, if you see pictures of me stark naked poorly dressed, you'll understand.
Alright, if you are hiding your eyes at this point, it's safe to open them. Even I'm not that far gone.
Time to get off the computer and back to my mess.....now where is that fabric for my Freebee block?