Now that I'm back in my West Coast Studio, I just couldn't help adding a few more panels to my design wall....and to my pleasant surprise, they were quite simple to move around.....those Command strips really are amazing.
By making the decision to switch the TV, in the room, to a smaller one, that can be wall mounted...I created more wall space, and you know what that means!!! The design wall now measures approximately 60 inches by 143 inches, and there's still room to go up higher, I'm still considering that.

Would you look at the size of that baby. It took moving stuff around several times, to get a layout that accommodates a design wall this large. I find work spaces can be tricky to get just the way you like actually have to work in them, for a while to see if the flow is right. I think this is probably my fourth layout, for this particular room.
On photographing quilts....I'm going to try something new. I've decided to have a few of my quilts photographed professionally.
Many quilters don't think twice about sending their quilts out to be quilted, something I won't consider, because I'm just too much of a control freak. So I'm saving money there, right? See how I easily I rationalize to myself.
But in all seriousness, when I think of the all the hours that we put into making our quilts it would be wonderful to have a portfolio of professional quality. I would love to hear if any of you have taken this route.