
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Working in a Series/The Progression of an Idea

Do you suppose, this might actually be a series? 

I just kept pushing one idea, and one thing led to another. Yes, I believe it is....the common denominator being, the appliqued strips.

It is my experience that the ideas, for the "next quilt" often start peculating as I'm working on a current project. 
 Often the ideas are related in some way, to what I'm working on. 

The ideas can be technique, colour, or theme driven etc. 
Perhaps that is how a "series of quilts" is born.


  1. It‘s always so lovely to see your work. The first picture with all the strips is gorgeous!

  2. You definitely have a very distinct style and could easily build a 'collection' of quilts. (Have just been watching Project Runway and could imagine a runway show of quilts. How cool would that be?)

  3. I love to see your quilts being made, you have a very unique style and I was lucky enough to see your Oakshott quilt at the NEC Festival of Quilts on Friday, it was awesome, I think I might have been drooling!

  4. Yes, one thing leads to another (sometimes not immediately, with me) and that is how a series develops naturally. I'm putting together a lecture on working in a series -- would love to have your work be part of it. Will email you when I come up for air.

    Meantime, your work is too gorgeous for words!

  5. Marie,
    I enjoyed this post. Yes, you have a distinct style and to me, your quilts already look like you work in series. I can spot a 'Quilting Edge' quilt a mile away!
    My next quilt also is often born while I am working on one. This mind never stops!

  6. They are certainly eye candy..a series of eye candy..

  7. Whether it is a series or it is just your style, it is very distinct and stunning. I love them all, especially the very first picture, and always look forward to what you make next.

  8. Your quilts are stunning, absolutely beautiful!! I think it's great you are really exploring your ideas.

  9. Its great, moderning, colorful and cozy

  10. What fantastic quilts, real works of art!


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