
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Using Your Quilts

I'm definitely in the
"quilts are made to be used" camp. 

My West Coast Quilts really got some love this week.....
Add a little fun in the sun 
A Little Water Play 
 Chase a few ducks
Hug a dolphin

A lovely week with much fun.


  1. If I had cute someones like you do I would even use my antique quilts. Those curls are adorable.

  2. Looks like some good days for sure!

  3. I'm laughing because I know exactly what you were up to this week....last week I took a picture of my Punk standing next to that same dolphin!! PS I hope you tried the fish.

  4. I'm in that camp too! I think it's a great feeling to see our quilts getting some love.

  5. Awww . . . what a great way to use your quilts.

  6. I would be sad to think that someone ISN'T using a quilt made especially for them!

  7. Hi, Marianne. A baby with a quilt or a quilt with a baby is always a hit! Awfully cute. Enjoyed your previous post on design wall construction as well. Gave me something to think about. best, nadia


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